

In December Williamson Memorial Funeral Home held their annual candlelight Remembrance Service for those who had loved ones passed away in 2022.  I went to represent the Cookie Ministry and was surprised when they asked me to speak to the the audience of several hundred people.  Pam Stephens, the funeral director, introduced me.   She said,  "Many of you have received cookies from Oak Valley this year." Many smiled and nodded.  As I spoke, I mentioned that some years ago my sweet father-in-law had passed away and that some friends brought cookies to the visitation.  This simple act made me feel loved and was a big help with our hungry children.   At that time, our church was looking for a new outreach, and we wanted everyone who had visitations at the funeral home to know that God loves them.  From that the Cookie Ministry was born!

Thank you for making this ministry possible.  The Cookie Ministry was 12 years old on February 14th and has delivered 89,500 cookies.   We delivered cookies to 339 families in 2022 alone.  If you like to bake we meet twice a month at church or you can sign up to bake at home as your schedule allows.  

Let's never forget that the Comfort Cookie Ministry is about people!  

 "Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted."  Matthew 5:4

Here is an easy way to be involved!
1) You can bake cookies at home. A sign-up is sent out once every other month, and you may choose a Monday or Friday to bake cookies at home and bring them to church.
2) Deliver cookies from the church to Williamson Memorial Funeral Home. Cookies are delivered every day there is a visitation. You would be responsible for one day a week. The funeral home sends out an email of the names of the current visitations twice a day.
3) Bake cookies twice a month in the kitchen at the church. We meet on selected Mondays from 9:30 - 11:00 am. All ingredients are supplied.

If you would like to participate by baking at home or at the church, please call the church office at 615.794.7403. 

Six years ago The Southern Exposure Magazine’s October/November 2017 issue wrote an article about Oak Valley’s Comfort Cookie Ministry.  To read the article, push the button below.



Operation Christmas Child demonstrates God’s love to hurting children in a tangible way by partnering with churches worldwide to deliver gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Oak Valley’s participation for years has been so great with donations of over 828 boxes sent off to bless so many children across the lands.  Thank you to all who put so much love into each one that was made.  Last year during the 2022 year we sent 100 boxes to Samaritan’s Purse! Be sure to pick up a shoebox in the foyer Sunday, October 29th or November 5th and return filled with gifts no later than Sunday, November 12th. May God bless each child receiving these special gifts.


Room In The Inn began in the winter of 1985, when Founding Director, Father Charles Strobel, opened the doors of his parish to individuals seeking sanctuary in the church parking lot. This simple act of kindness marked the beginning of Room In The Inn. In December 1986, four congregations committed to sheltering people experiencing homelessness through March 1987. By the end of that winter, 31 congregations had joined. Now, they have nearly 200 congregations from a wide variety of traditions and over 7,000 volunteers who shelter almost 1,500 men and women from November 1 through March 31 each season.

On March 24, 2023 Oak Valley Baptist wrapped up another successful and fulfilling season for Room In The Inn. Since it was a beautiful day, the Kingdom Seekers Class, accompanied by the ELT and their families, treated our guests to a cookout with hamburgers, hotdogs and all the sides and fixings. As the bus arrived that evening, our guests erupted with applause when they saw the smoke coming from the burgers and hot dogs already cooking on the grill. What a great way to end the season!

I would like to give special thanks to Cliff Rowell and Evan Jordan for going above-and-beyond in their support for Room In The Inn during the 2022-23 season. Cliff ensured all the beds were set up and made each week, in addition to serving as an overnight host numerous times. Evan made sure all our rooms/walls were set up appropriately after our Wednesday night activities. In addition, thank you to all the Sunday School classes that hosted our Room In The Inn guests this year: L1 JOY, A6 Agape, A5 SALT - Sharing & Learning Together, A9 Believers, A2 Faithful Family, A7 - Sharing & Defending Your Faith and A4 Kingdom Seekers.

Through Oak Valley’s support of this great ministry, we were able to provide 8 men with a warm meal, a warm bed, toiletries, and restroom facilities for nine evenings during the winter months. And, more than that, we were able to show them the love of Christ!

As Charles Strobel once said, “When someone experiences hospitality and safety and a feeling of belonging, they experience sanctuary.”

In Christ, David Burt


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